- Who should complete my recommendations and how many do I need to submit?
- What is a School Report and who should fill it out?
- What can I do to make sure I get a good recommendation?
- How do I submit my recommendations and School Report to QuestBridge?
- My recommender or counselor didn’t get the link for my recommendation. What should I do?
- How do I change my recommender or counselor?
- How can I change my recommender's or counselor's email address?
- What happens when I “exclude” my recommender?
- My recommender or counselor is having technical problems submitting my recommendation or School Report. What should I do?
- My recommender or counselor won’t be able to submit their recommendation on time. What should I do?
- I am homeschooled. Who should complete my recommendations?
- Can I use the same recommenders for the Common App as I used for my QuestBridge Application?
- Can my recommender fax in their recommendation? Can my counselor fax in the School Report?
- Can I submit additional recommendations?